Athlete's foot, also known as Tinea Pedis, is a fungal skin infection that typically develops between the toes, though it can also impact other parts of the feet. The warm, dark, and moist conditions inside shoes provide an ideal environment for the fungus to thrive, leading to its common occurrence on the feet. It's important to note that not all fungal infections on the feet are classified as athlete's foot, as conditions like eczema and psoriasis can present similar symptoms.

Causes of Athletes Foot
The warmth and dampness of areas around swimming pools, showers, and locker rooms are also breeding grounds for fungi. Because the infection was common among athletes who used these facilities frequently, the term "athlete's foot" became popular.
The signs of athlete's foot, singly or combined, include the following:
Dry-looking skin
Itching and burning between the toes, which may increase as the infection spreads to other parts of the feet
Scaling or peeling skin
Inflammation or swelling
Blisters, which often lead to cracking or peeling skin to the feet and toes. When blisters break, small raw areas of tissue are exposed, which may cause swelling.
Athlete's foot may spread to the soles of the feet and to the toenails. It can be spread to other parts of the body by those who scratch the infection and then touch themselves elsewhere. The organisms causing athlete's foot may persist for long periods.
When to Visit a Podiatrist
If you suspect a fungal infection that persists despite practicing good foot hygiene and shows no signs of improvement after two weeks, please contact us. We will schedule an evaluation with Dr. Scott Johnston, an independently owned and operated Podiatrist in Perrysburg!
Diagnosis and Treatment
Whether a fungus is the underlying issue will be assessed by your podiatrist. If confirmed, a tailored treatment regimen will likely be recommended, which may involve the use of antifungal medication either topically or orally. Adherence to the prescribed treatment plan by the podiatrist is crucial for successful resolution of the problem; premature discontinuation often leads to treatment failure.
Topical or oral antifungal drugs are often prescribed. If the infection is caused by bacteria and not fungus, antibiotics that are effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria may be prescribed.
It is important to keep the feet dry by using foot powder in shoes and socks. The feet should be bathed frequently and all areas around the toes dried thoroughly. If someone in your family develops athlete’s foot, disinfect home showers and tubs after each use to discourage transmission of infection.
It is easy to prevent athlete's foot where bare feet come in contact with the fungus by practicing good foot hygiene. You can prevent fungal infection by practicing the following:
Wash feet daily with soap and water; dry carefully, especially between the toes
Avoid walking barefoot; use shower shoes in public showers.
Reduce perspiration by using talcum powder
Wear light and airy shoes
Change shoes and socks regularly to decrease moisture
Wear synthetic blend socks that wick away moisture, and change them frequently if you perspire heavily
Heel and Toe Podiatry
Dr. R. Scott Johnston
1021 Sandusky St. Suite A
Perrysburg, OH
Dr. Johnston's schedule at our Perrysburg office:
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 12pm
Friday: 8am - 1pm
A foot Doctor Near Me in Perrysburg, Wood County, and North West Ohio